Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just Some Shocking, but Realistic, Information...

Hey Everybody,
I just wanted to show you an excerpt from an article I was reading online...:

"Minors at work in Santiago
A group of civic organizations have released a study on child labor in Santiago and the results did not make for easy reading. The report was released at a meeting between the Ministry of Labor, Accion Callejera (Street Action), the municipality, the Association of Evangelical Pastors and the Women's Support Nucleus where an agreement was signed in support of the World Day against Child Labor. The final report says that 76,000 minors are at work in Santiago, and most of them are either sexually exploited, work on farms or in domestic settings. Nearly one thousand of them are reported to work as "divers" scavenging at the Rafey garbage dump. According to the report put together by the Center for Urban Studies of the PUCMM in Santiago, 450,000 minors are being used for labor, sometimes in the worst way. Of these, 19% are in Santiago. Local efforts include Accion Callejera and its programs at three different centeers ("

Accion Callejera is one of the two organizations we will be working with this week and it's good to see that they are working hard to eliminate and overcome such a, seemingly, oeverwhelming situation. Thank you all for your continued support of our group and, by extension, the groups we work with in the D.R.


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