Friday, March 5, 2010

Dia de Monstros

Our eight days in the DR couldn't have gotten any better for anyone of us here today. Today was the Day of the Monsters based on the children's book and the movie Where the Wild Things Are. After reading the book to a group of about 40 of the boys at Accion, we broke up into teams of 5 and went through 10 stations to test our strength, intelligence, agility, and courage.

From carrying a heavy sack of yuccas to skipping rope to pushups, monster dances, taste testing, making our own monster to matching monsters, making our tree for the bosca, or forest, getting claws and ending by confronting a monster in a dark room....we were crowned and handed septors. We had our faces painted and ran through the neighborhood looking for the stations to complete our provas, or tests. We were the Campiones team and what a team we became, each member helping the other to complete our tests.

We watched a video of last year's group and then sang our Monster song that Tom wrote. It was the best day ever. Bento and her staff are truly doing a good thing for the boys here. We concluded our glorious last day with the boys by putting our names on our hands on the mural over the basketball court, or cancha as it is called here.

What a glorious end to a great week with the students, Bento and her staff at Accion, the FGCU students, the ninos at Accion and Ninos Con Esperanza. It's 7.30 p.m. now and time to look for the gang and celebrate our last night. You will hear more as we process our experiences.

Adios mis amigos. Hasta luego.

SBS ......or Chella to my ninos........


  1. I'm so happy you all are having a wonderful experience! Have a safe trip back!

  2. I AM THRILLED TO HEAR THIS!!! I had dreams of the "Wild Rumpus!" I can only imagine how fantastic it was! You are now on your journey back and i can't wait to see your faces! Besos!!!

  3. come home safe! cant wait to hear your stories!
